Joana Aderi spent her youth at a secluded boarding school in Central Switzerland where she became deeply interested in renaissance song. After completing her school-leaving certificate (Matura), she started studying early music at the Academy for Church Music in Lucerne and continued her studies at the Academy of Jazz in Basel before finally graduating in Trondheim, Norway, with a master's degree in Performing/Composing Electronic Music for which she was awarded a distinction. Aderi has been present in the Swiss music scene as a performing artist and composer for a good 15 years. The core of her music addresses the human voice in the instrumental and electronic domain. Aderi has given concerts at a large number of relevant international festivals and toured Europe, America and Africa. She writes music for the film industry and dancing and naturally also for her own musical projects. Alongside her occupation as an active musician, Aderi works as a music therapist in psychiatry and the forensic penal system. After spending a decade in Norway and Australia, she is now living in Zurich again.