Which challenges will the future bring?
Since 1923, SUISA has been making sure that composers, lyricists and publishers from all over the world receive royalties when their pieces are used in the public sphere. It was an eventful 100 years: Technological achievements created new challenges for music-making, music consumption and the music business. On the SUISA panel, experts will discuss which technologies will lead the music industry successfully into the future, how the situation is in terms of copyrights for works produced by artificial intelligence and which role NFTs could play in composers' future earnings.
Presented by SUISA.
This conference will be held in German, with simultaneous translation into French.
Lawyer, BKS Rechtsanwälte AG - Winterthur
Label Manager, Promotion Manager LIVANA MUSIC & muve recordings - Zurich
Digital Strategist, zukker GmbH - Bern
Actor and Comedian - Zurich
Highly specialised Senior Research Associate at the Department of Computer Science at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Zofingen
Head of A&R / Marketing Director LIVANA MUSIC AG / Musikvertrieb AG - Zurich
CEO of SUISA, Cooperative Society of Music Authors and Publishers - Küsnacht
Presenter - Schaffhausen